Ghostwriter for blog: why to choose and where to find ?

You started a company blog and someone advised you to entrust the writing of the articles to a blog ghostwriter , but you have no idea what kind of professional figure he is? No, you won’t have to contact the Ghost busters to capture Shakespeare, Pliny or Trilussa’s ectoplasm, and force him to write for you!

The ghostwriter, as the name implies, is a ghost writer, but not in the literal sense. Also known as a ” shadow writer “, this professional will not just write the texts you commission, but will give you all the rights .

In addition, by relying not on any ghostwriter, but on one specialized in blogs, websites and, more generally, writing for the web, you will obtain quality content, SEO oriented , able to improve your positioning on search engines and that, listen, listen, you can sign with your name!

To get to know this professional figure better and discover all the benefits you will get by entrusting the editing of your content to a blog ghostwriter, read on.

Ghostwriter: who he is

The ghostwriter, as we have said, is in effect a writer who can write articles, texts for websites, social posts and even ebooks and books . What differentiates him from his non-ectoplasmic colleagues is the fact that he works in the shadows, never signing his commissioned writings with his name.

During the acceptance phase of the assignment, the ghostwriter agrees to transfer all the rights of his works to the client , who can not only sign them with his own name, but sell them, publish them, obtain profits and even copyright.

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Once the agreed remuneration has been received, which, in some cases, could be higher than that requested by those who do not transfer the rights of their works, they will no longer be able to make any claim on the writings.

The figure of the ghostwriter is widely used in the literary field, even by well-known writers or famous people. The latter, in particular, usually require the services of shadow writers to write their autobiography in their place.

The ghostwriter for blog: specialization

So far we have seen the figure of the traditional ghostwriter, but in this article we want to talk to you, in particular, about the ghostwriter for blogs. What differentiates him from his more classic colleagues? Of course, he must know how to write for a blog , so he must be able to identify the characteristics of the target , draw up an effective editorial plan and write quality content from an SEO perspective .

Plus, just like a copywriter, he must be able to:

  • write in an engaging and persuasive way , emotionally engaging readers and prompting them to take action – click a link, buy a product, download an infographic – making them believe it is a decision they have made on their own;
  • apply the rules of good readability to create easy-to-read content, which entices users to reach the end of the article;
  • take full advantage of the language used to write the article. Only then will he be able to speak to your potential customers with the right tone and the most appropriate vocabulary.
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Why commission articles from a blog ghostwriter

Surely you are wondering why you should entrust the writing of your articles to someone else and, in particular, to a ghostwriter for blogging. You could write them yourself, of course, or you could entrust the editing to one of your employees or collaborators, but are you sure that either you or he have all the necessary skills?

If you have started a company blog, your aim will certainly not be to keep it as if it were a secret diary. You probably want to reach as many people as possible, in line with your target, and push them to follow you, to become attached to your brand and to buy your products or services .

To obtain the desired results, the texts must be written in such a way as to:

  • be found by search engines
  • get excellent ratings from these
  • be considered useful and of quality.

In this way, Google and the other engines will position them at the top of the SERP , relative to the most appropriate keywords, and your potential customers will find you more easily.

Does the blog ghostwriter have all the skills and abilities necessary to make you climb your rankings to the top? Of course yes! But what are these skills? Let’s see it right away.

Blogging ghostwriter skills

To help you achieve the goals you set together, the blog ghostwriter you are targeting will need to be able to:

  • study your target audience : to write content that can attract the right people, it is important to understand what they want to read, what searches they do on the web, what interests or curiosities they have, how they communicate;
  • draw up a complete editorial plan : after the correct identification of the target, the professional will have to establish a content calendar that foresees both which contents to publish and when to publish them. Not only the topic, but also the day of the week, the time and the frequency are decisive for the success of the project;
  • writing articles from an SEO perspective : optimizing articles for search engines requires numerous skills, including researching keywords and inserting them into the text, the best length for sentences and paragraphs, and the ability to implement a link building strategy;
  • writing quality articles : those who improvise web writers may find it difficult to reconcile search engine optimization with article quality. A blog ghostwriter knows how to create interesting, well-written, grammatically correct and engaging content that is SEO oriented at the same time.
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Let’s analyze in more detail two of the fundamental skills that the blog ghostwriter must have in order to write texts for the web: optimization from a SEO perspective – acronym for Search Engine Optimization – and readability.

How does the blog ghostwriter optimize articles?

When the ghostwriter for blog creates content for the web, these will have to respect a series of rules and meet certain requirements that will favor not only indexing, but also positioning in the SERP.

The SERP is the page of results in search engines, in English Search Engine Result Page . To be well positioned, articles and web pages must appear among the very first results of organic search. If you have already published some article written by you on the company blog and you have found it on the third or fourth page for the chosen keywords, know that your result is not the best.

Sure, it can take weeks or months for a site or blog to reach the top of the rankings, but it is essential to remember this: most users , when they search for something on Google, do not go beyond the first page . Sometimes the second is also consulted, but the results located from the third page onwards will have a very low level of visits, if not nonexistent.

So: what can the ghostwriter blog do to help you improve your blog’s ranking and get it found by the right people? The first step, of course, is to have something interesting to communicate and to say it in the best way possible. Once this is done, however, it will be essential:

  • format the text according to the rules of readability for the web
  • leverage on-page SEO techniques to help search engine robots find pages and understand what they’re talking about
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Readability rules used by the ghostwriter for blogs

Writing for the web is not like writing for print. Grammar, spelling and syntax naturally do not change: those who dedicate themselves to the creation of written content must have a thorough knowledge of the language in which they write.

Some mistakes can escape, it is normal, which is why the texts, before being published, should always pass under the careful and scrutinizing gaze of a professional editor; one thing, however, is the typing error or carelessness, another is the total ignorance of the grammatical, spelling or syntactic rules of the language used.

If these rules do not change, what changes when writing for the web?


First, the formatting of the text. Keeping in mind that the articles can be read both on a computer monitor or on a medium-sized tablet, and on small smartphone screens, it will be important:

  • create short, non-complex sentences . The recommended length is between 25 and 30 words;
  • wrap often to avoid creating “walls” of text;
  • divide the content into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs that do not exceed 250 words in length;
  • identify the various paragraphs with clear titles and subtitles , able to make the reader understand which topic the part of the text he is about to read deals with;
  • use bold to highlight both keywords and terms or phrases that can help the user find their way through the text and immediately identify the topics of interest;
  • for the same purpose, insert bulleted lists , excellent for summarizing the contents of a paragraph and highlighting the fundamental elements.
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The web readability rules, well known to blog ghostwriters, also include some advice regarding the style of the text ; in particular:

  • prefer sentences written in active form – for example: “The ghostwriter transfers the rights of his writings” – to those written in passive form – “The rights of the articles are transferred by the ghostwriter”. This trick makes the contents easier to read and understand;
  • avoid repetitions , especially at the beginning of the sentence;
  • when possible exploit the so-called ” transition words “, ie those that allow you to create links between sentences: therefore, then, or, therefore …

Once the text has been written, it will be possible to check the level of readability and understanding using a specific tool. For example, if you have a WordPress blog, you can use Yoast SEO, which provides, among other things, a useful function that evaluates readability and is called Flesh Reading Ease .

Other factors of readability are the Gunning Fog index , the Coleman Liau and the ARI .

Ghostwriter for blogs and SEO oriented content

Writing search engine optimized content is very important if you want your website or blog to become competitive.

SEO techniques first allow search engines to find and understand what websites, pages, articles and even multimedia content are about. Secondly, combined with other factors, they make it possible to improve the evaluation that Google & company will attribute to them.

Among the factors that affect the evaluation there is also the satisfaction by users : if many users, despite finding your articles and accessing them to read them, abandon them after a few seconds, the value of your site will decrease and you could lose positions.

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So it is important to create SEO friendly content , but without affecting its quality . It should therefore not be abused: for example, the practice of forcibly inserting ungrammatical keywords within the texts may not prove to be the winning move. Readers, in fact, after a few sentences, tired of reading poorly written and uninteresting content, could leave the page and turn to one of your competitors.

So: SEO yes, but with awareness.

What are the parameters to be taken into consideration?

Let’s see them right away.

The keywords

Have you already heard of ” keywords “, but you don’t quite understand what they are? We will explain it to you immediately.

Keywords or keywords are those terms or short phrases that users type into Google when they search. For your articles to work, they must contain the terms:

  • most sought after by your target audience
  • related to the topic covered in the article, which is in turn derived from the main keywords, and to your products or services;

The research of the most effective keywords can be done using some online tools, such as SEMRush , Google Adwords , SEO MOZ ; Also Google Trends can give you some useful suggestions.

The words with the highest search volume are also the ones that are most unlikely to make you reach high positions in the SERP, as many of your competitors will also use them.

A good blog ghostwriter will know how to choose the right words and, above all, will know how to insert them in the article in an optimal way, that is:

  • in the main title , preferably at the beginning;
  • in the first paragraph ;
  • in subtitles , with a density that can range from 30% to 75% ;
  • in the text , with a density of about 3% .
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How long should a text be?

There are many different opinions on the optimal length of texts . There are those who believe that they should not be too long and who, on the contrary, think that articles with less than 2000 words are not well evaluated by search engine robots.

In reality, there is no perfect maximum length . The text must be exhaustive, never forced, interested and complete . For this reason, if a topic can be exhausted in 600 words, it is not necessary, indeed it is quite counterproductive, to force your hand and add unnecessary arguments to extend it.

Likewise, a multi-faceted topic that needs further study can easily exceed 3000 words.

Conversely, posting articles of less than 300 words is strongly discouraged .

The titles

Choosing the right html tags is essential to help search engines understand the structure of the text and understand its main topic. In case you don’t know, html, now in version 5, is the markup language used to structure web pages.

The titles are identified with the tags <h1> , <h2> , <h3> and so on. When the ghostwriter writes a text or uploads it to WordPress or another CMS, he must pay attention to the correct use of the title tags:

  • <h1> , according to the most widespread opinion, should be used only once , for the main title . According to some professionals, in the case of very long and elaborate articles, it is possible to use pi <h1> to identify the beginning of the discussion of topics related to the main one;
  • <h2> is the first subtitle , submitted to the main. It can be repeated as many times as you want;
  • <h3>, <h4> … are further subtitles which must be nested in numerical order.
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Therefore, if in a section, identified with a title in <h2>, the blog ghostwriter deems it necessary to insert a related subparagraph, he will have to use the <h3> tag.

The links

To improve the ranking of an article, it is important that it:

  • contains internal links. , that is, that refer to other pages of the blog;
  • contains quality external links , i.e. that refer to external sites or blogs, with a good web reputation;
  • has inbound links from the site ;
  • has inbound links from quality external sites .

Optimize multimedia content

Blog articles, to be more interesting and engaging, must contain images, videos, PDFs and audio , in particular podcasts , which today, if well done, attract many visits.

All filenames must be relevant to the subject matter, perhaps containing the main keyword or a related one , and able to make it clear what type of content it is.

As for the images, it is essential to insert in the ALT tag , corresponding to the text displayed when the photo is not loaded, a clear and concise description of the image. It is important to include the keyword in this description .

The meta-description

Corresponding to the text that appears in the SERP , the meta-description must make it clear in a few words what the article is about and must be able to persuade the target user to click on the link to read it.

No longer than 160 characters , it must contain the main keyword.

Where to find a blog ghostwriter

You have finally understood how important it is to contact a web writing professional if you want to gain visibility on the web and, consequently, find new customers and increase sales.

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You also realized that, unlike the classic copywriter, the best choice for you is the ghostwriter, as it will allow you to sign articles with your name and to sell and publish them where and when you want.

But now you’re wondering how and where to find a blog ghostwriter who has all the necessary skills.

Nova SEO Services

The number one solution is Nova SEO Services : a simple to use, fast and innovative marketing platform, which allows you to consult offers and prices in real time, so as not to have any surprises.

To request the services of our blog ghostwriters, all you have to do is contact us on the site.

To help you promote articles or, more generally, your blog or site, the professionals of Nova SEO Services provide you with interesting marketing campaign packages , from link building campaigns to influencer marketing and Advertising campaigns.

Behind Nova SEO Services there is a complete team , which will divide the various tasks to provide you with a product with attention to the smallest details and of sure effectiveness.

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