Content marketing can be a cost-effective way to boost your profile and get your brand out there amongst the right people. It’s as accessible to start-ups as it is to big brands. After all, anybody can start a blog or YouTube channel and if you’re creative, build up a loyal online community.
That’s not to say it’s easy. The upshot of the content boom is the sheer volume of information being produced. Some estimate as many as 4 million blog posts are written per day! With so much noise and competition, you need to be smart about how you do it, and the content writers you use to make sure your voice is heard.
Content Made To Convert
Content needs to be planned, well-produced, tailored for your target audience and distributed effectively. It’s important to find the balance between being interesting, entertaining and informative, but also relevant to your business. And avoiding the sales pitch at the same time! It’s about finding your own personal ‘niche’ that suits both you and your audience.
Not sure where to start? Then we can work with you to develop your content strategy and a plan of action for moving forward. We’ll begin by looking at your business and marketing objectives, the audiences you want to reach and your brand values. From there, we’ll develop an outline of how you can reach your people and more importantly, engage with them. We can then help you develop and promote the content itself with top quality copywriting, and Digital PR by Link building / Guest Posting campaigns.
Professional Copywriting Services
As SEO experts for small business, here at the Small Biz expert we can undertake a full keyword research audit to create content ideas and content calendars that are optimized to help you to get your website found on Google or other search engines. We undertake comprehensive keyword research based on your requirements and write cracking copy that will help you get your website ranked online, while still very much appealing to your audience.
Looking for web content writing services in the Canada? Then get in touch to find out how content marketing could transform your business.